
100 More Reasons to Vote for Baka-Raptor

Need a reason to vote for me? I’ve already given you 100. Not enough? Have 100 more:

Oops, guess I got carried away again and gave you 111 instead of 100.

I wanted to save this post for a future match, but it would be rude to hold back while Kabitzin and his minions have been campaigning their asses off. While I’ve been passively watching the votes roll in, the writers for Sea Slugs! Anime Blog have been pulling hair and kicking shins to scrap every last vote they can find. I had no idea this six-man team was so determined to beat my lone, half-blind self. Now I’m honor-bound to return their feelings.

I will not tell you to vote for me. I will not tell you to campaign for me. I will not tell you to monitor the poll until it closes on Sunday, June 20 at 13:00 GMT (8AM U.S. Eastern Standard Time). I only ask that you do three things:

Visit their blog.

Visit my blog.

Then vote.

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