

The Swooping Descent of the Dark Emissary! The Propagation of Malice

MTAC 2008

COSPLAY Help! Police! Scar broke into my – oh wait, that’s just me. As promised, I redid my costume. There are two key differences between this version and my first attempt: 1. I applied the makeup with my index finger […]

The Baka-Raptor Awards

Best Episodic Blog Baka-Raptor Best Editorial Blog Baka-Raptor Best Team Blog Baka-Raptor Best Manga Blog Baka-Raptor Most Influential Blog Baka-Raptor Best Dorama Baka-Raptor Rookie of the Year Baka-Raptor Funniest Blog Baka-Raptor Best Satire Blog Baka-Raptor Best Seiyuu-Oriented Blog Baka-Raptor Most […]

Fanservice Bingo

From November 5, 2007 through February 12, 2008, the Writers Guild of America was on strike. What most people don’t know is that the writers were on strike in Japan too. There’s no other explanation for the recent proliferation of […]

Next Week: MTAC

Next weekend, I’ll be taking a break in the middle of finals to attend the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention. But Baka-Raptor, why would you go to an anime convention? Thousands of people go to anime conventions! Don’t you hate people? […]