

The Swooping Descent of the Dark Emissary! The Propagation of Malice

Working: “That” kind of show done right

This is why you don’t go around calling every show that tries to tell jokes “slice of life”. I’ll have to assume they suck and ignore them, like I did with Working’s first two seasons. I ended up watching Working’s […]

Dragon Ball Super: Stupid

Shitting on DBZ is a rite of passage for anime critics. While many shows have glaring flaws, DBZ has the rare honor of remaining the most well-known and most egregious example of the very flaws it prototyped over two decades […]

Let Japan Make Its Own Shitty Movies

Hollywood’s shitty live-action anime adaptations are stealing attention from Japan’s own shitty live-action anime adaptations. They’re taking shitty movie making jobs away from Japan’s native shitty movie makers. Japanese kids are seeing all these shitty movies made by foreigners and […]